YIKES! Do you see rat droppings or rat nests in or around your barbecue island?
The first thing is to call pest control and have them set traps to catch these critters. We then can come and clean the barbecue and repair if necessary and pack rat the grill. If we see there are places in the island we can close off to keep the rats away, we can also do this.
Why you need to take action.
When this occurs, you need our full service cleaning, general maintenance and varmint proofing. Pack rats carry disease. We clean and disinfect the grill so it can be used again. We also clean out the debris from below the island. This occurs with the varmints setting up house in and under the barbecue. Frequently, we need to remove the varmints –dead or alive. Removing varmints is important. If they remain in the island after we close it and they expire, the smell from them decomposing is awful!
What We Do
We varmint proof the grill so they can no longer get to the cooking apparatus. We warranty this work for 90 days. If we can see inside the complete island and can get to all four corners, we can also warranty the island. We close up as many holes in your island (for built-ins) as we can find. We are even successful with stand alone grills! We always stop the varmints from getting into your grill. When we look at your built-in or standalone grill and island, we can tell you what we can do before we start.
Varmint Mentality
Varmints do attempt to return. They frequently can find new ways to get back in your island. For example, when your barbecue island was built, good contractors always fill in the bottom blocks with cement. Those that didn’t gave the pack rats a perfect way to crawl up the holes and get into the bottom of your island.
Varmints will try hard to get back into their nest for about a week. After they find that there is no access, they will pack their belonging and take their family to a new location. This is why you can have pack rats and your neighbor doesn’t and vice versa.
We warranty our work for 90 days. If the varmints return, we will come back and repair what was previously under warranty. Warranty commences at the completion of the first varmint proofing.
Varmints reign havoc on barbecues.
We provide the solution!